Storage Services and Wholesale Award Guide

This blog is a complete summary of the Storage Services and Wholesale Award, covering all main pay categories that determine the calculation of pay. The full version of the award can be found here.
Table of contents:
- Coverage
- Key Takeaways
- Hours of Work
- Full-time and part-time employees
- Casual employees
- Allowances
- Expense related allowances
- Leave
- Breaks
- Public holidays
- Recent changes to award
- Disclaimer
The Storage Services and Wholesale Award covers employers and employees in the storage services and wholesale industry.
This includes activities like:
- Receiving
- Handling
- Storing
- Freezing
- Bottling
- Packing
- Preparing for sale
- Sorting
- Loading
- Dispatching
- Delivering
- Selling any produce, goods or merchandise.
- Employers covered by another modern award relevant to the storage services and wholesale industry.
- Employers covered by the Road Transport and Distribution Award 2020.
- Where an employer is covered by more than one award, an employee of that employer is covered by the award classification which is most appropriate to the work performed by the employee and to the environment in which the employee normally performs the work.
Key Takeaways:
- Clause 13.2 (a) - The ordinary hour spread (7am - 5.30pm) can be moved by up to one hour forward/up to one hour back by agreement.
- There is no rest break and meal break schedule set out in the award (other than what is outlined in Clause 14.1 and 14.2)
- Clause 13.1 (e) - Ordinary hours can be worked on Saturday and Sunday by agreement between the employer and employee
*The spread of afternoon shift hours can be moved by up to one hour forward/up to one hour back by agreement
Hours of Work:
*From 1 February 2023, all employees (including casuals) of non-small business employers can access 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave in a 12 month period.
* From 1 August 2023, all employees (including casuals) of small business employers can access 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave in a 12 month period.
Full-time and part-time employees:
Ordinary and penalty rates for day workers:
Penalty rates (shift workers):
Overtime rates:
Casual employees:
Ordinary and penalty rates for day workers:
Penalty rates (shift workers):
Allowances :
Expense Related Allowances:
- Annual leave - NES
- Personal/carer’s leave and compassionate leave - NES
- Parental leave and related entitlements - NES
- Community service leave - NES
- Family and domestic violence leave - NES
Public holiday entitlements are provided for in the NES. Employees who work on a public holiday are entitled to an extra penalty rate on top of their minimum rate.
Public holidays:
Public holiday entitlements are provided for in the NES. Employees who work on a public holiday are entitled to an extra penalty rate on top of their minimum rate.
Recent Changes to Award
- Casual employee’s have a new definition given by section 15A of the Fair Work Act
- Amendments to minimum rates and allowances as of 1 July 2024 wage increases.
- Changes to the exercise of the rights of workplace delegates set out in section 350C of the Fair Work Act. Under the act, the employer is taken to have afforded a workplace delegate the rights mentioned in section 350C(3) if the employer has complied with clause 29A in the Storage Services Modern Award 2020.
Please note: The information contained in this Modern Award Interpretation Guide is sourced from the PaidRight knowledge database which is general in nature and does not constitute or is intended to be relied upon as legal advice or other professional opinion. The contents of this guide is subject to variation(s) to the Storage Services and Wholesale Award by Fair Work Commission decision or enactment of amended legislation. PaidRight does neither accept responsibility or provide guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness; and, to the extent permitted by law, PaidRight does not accept legal liability for consequences arising out of use of this information. The information recipient is advised to obtain professional legal advice relevant to your specific circumstances. Information updated as at 23 June 2024.