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Payroll Compliance

Promoting brand reputation with employee pay

November 8, 2022
0 min read
Payroll Compliance

Job shortages, company culture and employee pay 

In today's competitive business landscape, it is more important than ever to establish an effective company culture that can drive high levels of performance and trust within your organisation.

One key aspect of a strong company culture is ensuring that employee pay is aligned with the core values of your business. When employees are paid accurately and in accordance with their agreement, they are more likely to trust their employer, leading to greater levels of productivity, and success for your company as a whole. 

Overall, ensuring fair employee pay has become one of the most important steps you can take to support a positive company culture that helps drive success.

How is this relevant in the current job market? 

Given the current climate of economic uncertainty and increasing competition in the job market, many businesses are struggling to attract and retain quality staff. This is particularly true in the retail and hospitality industries, where employers are facing a severe shortage of workers.

According to reports from the Australian Retailers Association, there are more than 46,000 vacancies within the retail industry alone, making it so important for businesses to attract and retain talent.

Likewise, reports from the Hospitality industry indicate that many businesses have been forced to increase their efforts to attract new talent, offering signing bonuses or other incentives like flex time or free meals. reported applicants for hospitality jobs are at a two-year low, with the number of job ads at a two-year-high, jumping 20 per cent in February alone.

The link between job shortages and employee pay 

In today's war for talent, cultivating a good brand reputation is more important than ever. As such, it is crucial for businesses to demonstrate their dedication to employees through fair pay practices. 

One effective way to promote brand reputation with respect to employee pay is by regularly conducting reviews of employee pay, ensuring accurate payments have been made. By ensuring that employee pay is accurate and competitive, businesses can convey the message that they value their workforce.

Additionally, this demonstrates that the company understands the challenges faced by workers in today's challenging economy and cares about providing them with everything they need for success. In turn, well-compensated employees are more likely to be loyal and engaged, making them key advocates for your business amongst their peers. 

Offering perks in the workplace may be an incentive to attract and retain talent, however if the brand is then associated with an underpayment crisis, it becomes more of a gimmick than an actual perk. 

How can we change the narrative? 

Payroll compliance reviews are often seen as cumbersome, administrative tasks that could pose a threat to the company's brand reputation. However, these reviews can actually be used as an opportunity to positively change the narrative surrounding your organisation. 

By focusing on ensuring that your employees are paid correctly and in line with applicable regulations, you can show that your company is committed to responsible business practices.

Plus, by avoiding common pitfalls such as regulatory violations or inadvertent payroll errors, you can help to maintain a positive public image for your brand. So if you're looking for a way to shift the focus away from costly remediation projects and towards a more forward-thinking approach, it might be time to consider implementing ongoing payroll reviews as part of your general business strategy. 

After all, this approach will allow you to put your best foot forward when it comes to attracting and retaining high quality staff – and that's something everyone can get behind. 

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