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Public University implements proactive compliance controls

Industry: %%Higher Education%%

Employees: %%3,500%%

Agreements: %%Two enterprise agreements%%


Having previously drawn attention from the Fair Work Ombudsman, there is a fear that issues could recur, making it essential to position themselves positively should the FWO return in the future. 


Retroactive actions on underpayments have been deemed insufficient by the Fair Work Ombudsman, even with regular audits, necessitating the exhausting process of additional remediation projects in the future.


A proactive, in-the-payrun approach to compliance with PayPrecision ensures that pay is checked and corrected before payments are made, while also providing a full audit trail of every payroll check.


By never carrying underpayments, the organisation’s proactive measures are viewed most positively by the Fair Work Ombudsman. Additionally, a full audit trail of payroll checks and fixes for every employee and shift makes it easy to prove compliance to the FWO or an audit team.

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