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Trial PaidRight in under two weeks

PaidRight is a payroll compliance system that gives busy payroll, finance and HR teams the power to identify errors in pay before they happen - for every employee, at every pay-run.

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build your business case

Trial PayPrecision in just two weeks


Pick a cohort of employees

Select a group of employees that are covered by a single modern award or enterprise agreement.


Review your last three months of payroll

Analysis includes a complete review of employee master-file, rosters, timesheets and pay records identifying noncompliance risk.


Understand your compliance risk

PaidRight gives you the power you need to effectively review your current payroll compliance position.


Build your internal business case

Understand your current baseline compliance level. Leverage this to support your internal business case to implement PayPrecision.

Rapid insight into your payroll

Understand and see for yourself the benefits of PaidRight's PayPrecision product with a trial. Experience how our innovative solution recalculates three months of payroll for a designated cohort of employees in under a week.

Build your internal business case

Utilise the trial to empower your business with actionable insights while gaining a fundamental understanding of your compliance position.

  • Highlight each employees risk of being underpaid or overpaid.
  • Quickly understand where there are gaps in your record keeping.
  • Identify gaps on your systems configuration when calculating pay.

You may have some of these questions

How long will the trial take?

The trial will take approximately two weeks to complete. 

How much time do you need from my team during this?

The only time we need from your team in these two weeks is for them to download and upload data into the system as well as 2x one hour meetings to discuss the insights in the results. 

What do I get as a part of this trial?

The trial aims to demonstrate the power of PaidRight’s PayPrecision product. You will get a baseline understanding of your current compliance position to help build your internal business case to implement PayPrecision. 

How much is this going to cost me? 

The trial is a fixed fee depending on the size of your business. However this is not charged if you sign up for the annual subscription to PayPrecision. 

What data do you need from me to do this? 

For the trial we request three months of payroll data. This includes roster, timesheet, payroll and employee masterfile information. 

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